Yoga does it all!!

3 Yoga Moves For A Better Butt


November 28, 2015

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar)

Ever notice how yogis have such powerful, lithe lower bodies? That’s because so many of those age-old meditative poses require not just strong breath work but active muscles in the buttocks, hips, and thighs.

Chair Pose and Warior III are two of my favorites for firming the lower body. (Transform the rest of your body in just 10 minutes a day with Prevention’s Fit In 10 DVD!)

Because you’re not using weights, which require a recovery day, you can do these poses as often as you like. Daily practice will help you develop strong, sexy yoga buns and boost your serenity and balance.

Related: The No Squats Belly, Butt, And Thighs Workout

Chair Pose

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar) 

A. With knees and feet together, squat down several inches, like you’re about to sit in a chair. Raise arms overhead, palms facing each other.

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar) 

B. While in Chair Pose, raise right knee until foot is about 12 inches off floor and hold for 3 full breaths. Lower leg and stand back up. Repeat with left leg. Do 2 reps with each leg.

Related: 6 Moves That Target Stubborn Cellulite

Warrior III

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar) 

A. Stand with left foot behind you so toes rest on the floor. Extend arms overhead and clasp hands together. Keep shoulders and hips squared and facing forward.

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar) 

B. Raise left leg behind you and slowly lower torso until left leg and upper body are parallel to floor. Hold for 3 deep breaths. Repeat 10 times on each leg.

Don’t…arch your back or let hands separate during this pose.

Related: The No Squats, Belly, Butt, And Thighs Workout

Pigeon Stretch

(Photo: Hilmar Hilmar)  

This move stretches your hips and buttocks. Sit on heels with knees bent and shoulders squared straight ahead. Slowly straighten left leg and slide it behind you so top of foot rests on floor. Slide right foot toward top of left thigh, pressing right hip toward floor. (It’s okay if it doesn’t touch.) Hold for 5 breaths, then repeat on other side.

By Denise Austin

This article ‘3 Yoga Moves For A Better Butt’ originally ran on